Final Thoughts

Some closing words from the author.

That's the end of our time together. The most simplified way to explain how to solve these kinds of problems is that you must have a flexible and adaptable mindset, a willingness to experiment, and a wide range of options to explore. When you combine those factors, unexpected solutions often emerge out of the systems you work in and around.

Although the subject matter is infinite by its very nature, my deepest hope is that it has at least given you material you can incubate and use to solve your most important problems. If I've provided that spark of inspiration, I've done my job.

Writing While Problem Solving

Writing this book has not just been an exercise in the accumulation and communication of information—I've been actively living these principles and applying them as I've been writing. My personal belief about writing is that it should only be done when you have something to say, and you only have something to say when you're regularly out in the world.

Arthur Schopenhauer once wrote "Live first, then philosophize." That's my attitude overall, but it's been especially true with this book. From the time I wrote the first words until the moment I wrote this final section, I was neck-deep in strategic complexity. This book is, in many ways, my own guide towards resolving some of the pressing issues in my own personal and professional life.

It started as just a set of thoughts about complex adaptive systems on a blank document. At first it was supposed to be an outline for an in-person talk. I didn't even put names to anything; when I felt the need to delineate between sections I just put a number. After reaching 11, I realized this was the basis for a new book.

In other words, the contents of this book emerged from an organic, evolutionary process. I spent a great deal of time mulling over ideas, filtering out the ones that were most relevant, and then selected the best ones to present to readers like you.

And since this is a Neverending Book, it may expand or contract in the future. I plan on updating it as needed and improving it over time. This is my sixth book, and as much as I enjoy writing regular books, it is painful to look back and think about all the changes I'd like to make that reflect updated information, my own shifting views, and so on. With the NB format, that isn't an issue anymore.

The End

Thank you for taking the time to read my work. Until next time...


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